
Ontario 2022 elections: Facebook adverting spending tracker

Facebook Advertising Spending Tracker : Ontario Elections 2022

Last Update: June 2, 2022 Facebook advertising spending has been on the rise for the last couple of years in Canadian politics. At the time of the 2021 Federal Elections, a great deal of advertising budget was allocated to Facebook’s platforms. Accordingly, this trend appears to continue during this year’s provincial elections in Ontario. For political parties and candidates, Facebook advertising (which includes its platform Instagram as well) offers an excellent opportunity to engage new audiences and gain their trust, particularly when leveraging a digital and social media marketing agency for political campaigns to optimize their strategies. This is critical given that some of the other popular social media platforms (like Twitter, Tik Tok) have banned any political advertising leading campaign managers and strategists to place all their bets on Facebook. It’s always interesting to watch what the parties and key candidates are spending on social media advertising during campaign periods. To make it easier for you, we’ll be providing two Facebook advertising spending trackers here. Our first Facebook advertising spending tracker showcases the total amount of money spent by the official accounts of the five key provincial parties. Our second tracker highlights the spending using the official accounts of the leaders of these provincial parties. This information is directly sourced via Facebook’s ad library and will automatically refresh every week! So, go ahead and have a look!  Facebook Advertising Spending by the Provincial Parties’ Official Accounts Period: May 1, 2022 – May 30, 2022 Our take – During the provincial election campaign in Ontario in 2022, the main provincial parties had been aggressively targeting potential voters via social media advertising. Throughout the first official week of the 2022 Ontario Provincial Election Campaign, the Ontario Liberal Party spent close to $200,000 on Facebook via its official account while the incumbent PC Party spent a grand total of $0! As the campaign progressed, It was interesting to note, that the Ontario PC Party rapidly caught up to the Ontario Liberals as they hold steady in the polls. In the period between May 15th, 2022 and May 23rd, 2022, the Liberal Party of Ontario spent $ 244.6K on Facebook advertising, while the Ontario PC Party was very close at $ 219.9K. As the campaign progressed towards its end and as is evident in Facebook’s Ad library report, this trend did not continue. For the past 30 days, the Liberals have spent approximately $1.12 million, while the Ontario PC Party has spent $512,000. Combined, all parties’ official accounts have spent a staggering amount of just under $1.8 million, with the Liberal Party of Ontario receiving the largest share. In light of these findings, Facebook advertising, especially when guided by a digital and social media marketing agency for political campaigns, is by no means being abandoned as a vehicle for political advertising.  Facebook Advertising Spending using Provincial Party Leaders’ Accounts Period: May 1, 2022 – May 30 2022 Our take – The Ontario Liberals were also spending aggressively via their leader’s official account on Facebook to ensure that the lesser-known Steven Del Duca can create some brand recall in the minds of the Ontario voters. Did this help? We’re soon to find out! What do you think about the advertising dollars the provincial political parties and leaders are spending on Facebook? Please leave your comments below! Don’t forget to share this blog post with your friends! For the latest updates and insights on political digital marketing in Canada, stay connected with EOK Consults Inc via social media.

How to Choose the Best Political Digital Marketing Agency? Canada

How to Choose the Best Political Digital Marketing Agency?

It’s 2021 (almost) and online advertising and digital marketing have emerged as critical pieces of any modern political campaign puzzle. In Canada and around the world, online advertising is now considered a strategic advantage and something no campaign can take lightly. Many successful campaigns boast of professional communication teams well-versed in storytelling, platform building and media management. However, only few campaigns can claim to have the technical skills and expertise when it comes to digital marketing. Consequently, this is where hiring a Digital and Social Media Marketing Agency for Political Campaigns can come into play. Most importantly, strategic political marketing isn’t about just posting regular content and looking at the likes and shares. A well-defined and executed online advertising and digital marketing strategy can mean the difference between winning and losing an election. Choosing the best political digital marketing agency isn’t very straightforward. Firstly, this phenomenon is relatively new to Canada. Secondly, digital marketing evolves all the time. For instance, new algorithm rules, techniques, and platforms emerge almost every day. Above all, keeping on top of all these changes and mastering the various platforms isn’t something a political campaign can always afford to do in-house. Additionally, choosing the best political digital marketing agency for your campaign or political organization isn’t like finding an agency for a business. Political marketing has various nuances and differences from traditional digital marketing. To clarify, some of the key differences include the following –  Shorter campaign periods vs the long-term approach in business marketing Budgetary concerns and legal reporting requirements Personality-driven platforms vs a business ‘entity’ or brand Confused? Worry not! We’re here to help you choose the best political digital marketing agency for your next campaign or political office. Most importantly, we have tabulated this process in 5 easy steps for every campaign manager or political organizer to follow. 5 Steps to Choose the Best Political Digital Marketing Agency 1. Identify Your Key Requirements Political candidates and organizations are unique. Likewise, the requirements when it comes to online advertising and digital marketing are unique to each campaign. Many campaigns just need some help to manage their online ads. On the other hand, there are others that need a complete ‘full-service’ approach to build strategy, setup online presence, engage with the audience, run ads, report, optimize and more. You can call it the ‘project’ vs the ‘full-service’ idea. Further, a good starting point for any candidate or organization should be to list down the key requirements unique to your situation. You may answer the following questions and create some helpful background text on your requirements before you look for the best political digital marketing agency. Do you already have a website? Or is this something you need done? What about your social media handles? Can your team create and post content for you or is this something you need help with? How much digital marketing expertise do you have within yourself or your team? How much time can you invest on your own? Do you prefer a hands-off approach? 2. Define Marketing Objectives Moreover, it’s important that you define the key results you expect out of your political digital marketing agency. Without a clear list of goals, measuring a proposal or outcomes isn’t possible. While the ultimate goal for any political campaign is electoral victory, translating that into measurable marketing goals is the key. Most importantly, focus should be on the goals that matter – not vanity metrics like post likes and comments.  For example, building online profile, growing website traffic, identifying supporters or right audience could be the objectives for first-time candidates. On the other hand, incumbent candidates or political office holders may care more about engagement and conversion metrics with their constituents. 3. Set Your Evaluation Criteria Firstly, set the parameters you’ll use to compare one agency vs the other before you begin reaching out. For instance, some of the key questions that you may include in your criteria are –   Budget – How much will the project or full service cost you? Is there any flexibility on the price? Is advertising spend included or extra? In short, cheap isn’t always good so do factor in overall value an agency brings Credentials – How much past experience with political campaigns the agency has? Who are the team members? Who exactly is going to work on your account? What’s their professional accomplishments? Recommendations – Are there any references the agency can provide? Other politicians, candidates or organizations who used their services and achieved desired results? Culture and Working Style – Certainly, a political digital marketing agency will be part of your overall campaign team. How well do you think they will work with you and other members of your team? Do they believe in your platform/party/ideas? What’s their working style and does it match yours? Are their words merely jargon or you can understand what they aim to accomplish easily? Go with your hunch and focus on the ‘fit’. 4. Ask for Ideas and a Proposal After that, reach out to a few agencies and get them to submit ideas and an outline proposal to work on your political campaign or project. Consider the time and ease of first-time communication as additional factors for your evaluation. In addition, bring on your campaign manager and or other team members to form a small committee for a fair analysis. 5. Evaluate and Select Lastly, compare the proposals you received with the evaluation criteria you set in step 3 and discover the best political digital marketing agency for your campaign!  To sum up, online advertising and digital marketing are critical aspects for you to include in your political campaign strategy. In the same vein, choosing the right agency and team to work for you can make all the difference.  If you’re looking for a Digital and Social Media Marketing Agency for Political Campaigns, learn more about EOK Consults here. You can also explore our services or contact us here.

Political Marketing Canada

Political Marketing: Here’s Why Online Advertising Works

It’s November 04, 2008 and Barack Obama, a little-known senator created history as the first African American to win the Presidential in the United States. As TV pundits and political analysts debated how Obama managed this historic feat, there seemed to be a consensus when it came to one of the key factors in his surprising win. Barack Obama, they said, ignited hope and a desire for change in how politics was done. And he used social media, online advertising and technology to do just that. Above all, in that process, he changed political marketing forever. In the US and beyond (Canada included). Obama’s campaign went big with over $16 million on online advertising in 2008. Compared to a measly $3.6 million spent by John McCain’s camp tells half the story. In about 12 years since then, online advertising’s share in US political advertising has just exploded. Together, the Trump and Biden Campaign spent over $175 million on online advertising platforms – a lion’s share going to Facebook. This represents a staggering 792% increase in online political advertising! In Canada, while our numbers are significantly smaller, the growth has been equally significant and dramatic. For instance, the three major political parties spent at least over $10 million on online advertising in the 2019 Federal election. The overall spend increases manifold when you include third-party advertising and online media used in political and local campaigns. There’s one key reason behind this rise of online advertising in political campaigns in Canada – it simply works! As a Digital and Social Media Marketing Agency for Political Campaigns, we can attest to the effectiveness of these strategies. Here are some key reasons why online advertising works in political marketing 1. Unparalleled reach Canada is known to be one of the world’s most connected populations. With over 25 million social networking users, we have a social network penetration rate of 67 percent! That is 25 million and more potential viewers for political messages available at a few clicks. Platforms like Facebook and Google further allow advertisers to select and curate custom audiences as per their needs. Compare this with traditional political marketing channels. These include canvassing, tele-calling, lawn signs, flyers, banners or radio advertising. While definitely important for any campaign, such approaches suffer from key limitations. Limitations including limited scalability, inaccurate data, need for human resources and lack of measurable results and accountability. Using TV and mass media channels involves significant overheads and budgets. Similarly, such platforms often reach out to a generic or homogenous audience and offer limited data on engagement and response. 2. Microtargeting Online advertising channels like Facebook and Google encourage advertisers to find and target the kind of audience they desire for a paid communication. The kind of audience to be used can include various demographic characteristics like age, location as well as interests or online behaviours.  For political campaigns, this is golden. It allows campaigns to find the right kind of people that will engage with their key policy issues or causes. In addition, campaigns can showcase different messages to different audiences and evaluate response and future action. This is a flexibility which no other mass media tool can offer.  A key aspect for any political campaign is to make sure that their advertising budget is spent within their riding or constituency. That is another feature where online advertising shines. Campaigns have the ability to geo-fence their target location carefully and only show their ads to people who live or reside there.  3. Return on Investment Political campaigns spend a lot of their effort in fundraising and are required to keep a close watch on every dollar going out. This is another area where online advertising really shines. All popular platforms like Facebook and Google ads offer granular metrics on the results ad campaigns achieve. Whether that’s website views, number of times a video was watched or how many people were reached, there’s all kinds of data available. For every $1 a political campaign spends on online advertising, they can be sure of the impact it makes.  In the 2015 Federal Election, Tom Pitfield, the Liberals’ chief digital strategist for the campaign commented how “digital had the greatest ROI (amongst all their advertising platforms)” and how they “focused on it as a strategic advantage”. We have managed numerous digital campaigns for political candidates and parties. Naturally, we have seen some interesting trends (with certain assumptions). Here are some major ones that highlight the ROI aspect of online advertising in political marketing – Very few mass-media platforms can compare with those kinds of metrics. This explains the fondness modern campaign managers have for social media and online advertising. 4. The Perfect Testing Ground The rise of digital media and online advertising in political campaigns doesn’t mean that traditional tools aren’t required anymore. In fact, online advertising can serve as the perfect testing ground for campaigns.  A key characteristic of a Facebook or Google campaign is the ability to A/B test different messages, images or videos as well as custom audiences. All within a small testing budget. Furthermore, campaigns can track performance of each ad set on a daily basis and turn off any non-performing ones with a couple of clicks. For instance, testing which issues or messaging connects better with the voters online before committing to these through mainstream channels. Certainly, Online advertising and traditional political marketing can complement each other to be part of a holistic winning strategy. Above all, this strategy can be one that connects with all kinds of voters across demographics. 5. Building Momentum and Fundraising Online advertising allows political campaigns to amplify the work they do on ground – knocking doors and meeting voters. With the power, reach and affordability of digital tools, campaigns can build momentum and get people ‘talking about’ the issues that matter. There’s a reason why the mainstream media covers ‘what’s trending on Facebook or Twitter’.  Moreover, online advertising often contributes to creation and expansion of ‘viral moments’ and that extends to

Political digital marketing agency Canada EOK

Digital Marketing in Political Campaigns in Canada

Interested in learning about digital marketing in political campaigns in Canada? We’ve got a good overview, some historical facts and a quick take on the 5 things you must know! Digital Marketing & Political Campaigns Political campaigning is all about engaging with a specific group (voters) and trying to influence the decision-making process. This is akin to for-profit organizations and businesses trying to woo their target audience (customers). How an organization or political campaign does that is the art and science of marketing. Interestingly, both spheres of these human endeavors seem to draw heavily from each other. Political campaigns are known to employ successful marketing strategies and tools from their business counterparts. On the other hand, businesses often learn a thing or two about connecting with the masses from political planners.  So it’s entirely natural that as marketing for businesses transformed in the last decade or two, political campaigns took note. Marketing that uses an electronic device or the internet has been defining the Canadian business landscape for quite some time now.  In 2019, Canadian advertisers spent over $6.35 billion contributing over 60% of the total media spend. This includes everything from online advertising to social media marketing. The rise in digital marketing is a reflection of how the society and how its people communicate has changed. Since politics concerns the public at large, the toolkit which a campaign employs has changed dramatically as well. Gone are the days when a campaign will only focus on door knocking/canvassing, phone calls, and fundraising events. The first phase of this digital evolution the move to online databases, robocalls and primitive websites. Today, political campaigns are known to employ a sophisticated suite of software and tech tools. Further, digital efforts are manned by dedicated team of digital marketers, content producers, data, and communication specialists. This is where the expertise of a Digital and Social Media Marketing Agency for Political Campaigns becomes invaluable. Here are 5 key things you must know about political campaigns and digital marketing in Canada   1. Digital Marketing Has Been Around for A While in Canadian Politics Many people regard Barack Obama as the pioneer of digital marketing for political campaigns. While he defintely made a big impact, the years leading to 2008 were significant for the digital world. From Facebook’s humble launch in 2004 to the launch of Apple iPhone’s in 2007, the world was getting ready for a revolution. One that changed the way the massess consumed information and connected with each other. Consequently, Canadians played their part in the growth of social media and digital marketing as well. This ensured that political campaigns could no longer afford to ignore the world around them. In the 2008 Federal Election, over 50% of the candidates reportedly had social media profiles. By 2013, Canadians were the most active Facebook users in the world. As seen in the 2015 and 2019 Federal Elections, digital marketing became the mainstay of the voter outreach and engagement initiatives for political parties. It was no longer ‘an option’ but the key strategic piece in their campaign puzzle. With the onset of the new decade, there’s only one way this bandwagon is headed and that’s forward! 2. Digital Marketing Will Only Grow – Because It Works! In the 2015 Federal Election, the Liberal Campaign credited digital advertising as the key reason behind their electoral success. “And digital had the greatest ROI (return on investment) . . . . We focused on it as a strategic advantage.” Tom Pitfield, the Liberals’ chief digital strategist for the campaign | Toronto Star | Article by Joan Bryden, The Canadian Press, June 20, 2016 With their $8 million on digital vs the $2 million from the Tories, the Liberals leveraged the power of digital media. And that power is the ability to reach and engage with a wide audience in a very cost-effective and measurable manner. This becomes all the more important as campaigning periods get shorter. In the 40 days long 2019 Federal election, the three leading federal parties together spent an eye-popping $10 million on online marketing.  Certainly, the reach and impact of digital marketing will not be limited to Federal elections. Across the country, digital marketing is being deployed by local candidates as well as their provincial counterparts. The ability to test different messaging in real-time, hyper-target the voters based on interests and measure the results accurately are advantages very few other marketing methods provide. 3. Legal Framework Will Continue to Evolve The Elections Modernization Act (Bill C-76) enacted by the Justin Trudeau Government in Dec 2018 aimed to bring in new spending limits and rules for transparency. Subsequently, it sought to govern the ‘wild wild west’ of online advertising in political campaigns and bring in some ground rules. While the opinions on this legislation vary, it did highlight the rise of social media channels and the impact online advertising can make in our election process.  Moreover, a key aspect of Bill C-76 was the requirement for online media platforms to establish a political advertising registry. Identifying sponsors for online ads as well as tracking advertising funds were key objectives for this registry or online archive. Facebook was the only platform that complied with it in time for the 2019 elections. Google Canada decided not to accept the advertising regulations given a lack of preparation time. Meanwhile, Twitter went a step further and completely banned political advertising from its platform across the world. As the nature of digital advertising in political campaigns evolves, so will the conversation around control and regulation. Most importantly, these will not only be from government or the public but also from the platforms themselves. Above all, we can be sure that greater transparency and content moderation will be national discussion topics across Canada. 4. Third-party Advertising Will Take Center Stage Third-party organizations, like unions and private groups, have long been a part of the political landscape in Canada. More than $6 million was spent on electioneering by top 10 third

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